Coming Together-Working Together-Growing Together-Succeeding Together
Our very own Superindendent, Mr. Hoffman, stopped by Venentucci 4th grade on August 16th as a guest reader. Mr. Hoffman heard that the 4th graders had been working on the story of Flora and Ulysses in their reading series. He read "Those Darn Squirrels" to the students as a connection between the two stories. All the students enjoyed the story and hope to see Mr. Hoffman again as a guest reader. Thank you Mr. Hoffman and here is a HIGH FIVE for you!
Mr. Rodney is this year’s first recipient of the EYE SEE YOU AWARD.
We SEE all the work you do behind the scenes.
We SEE your swift response to those in need
We SEE all the TIME you put in for those around you.
We SEE the passion you have for Venetucci.
Congratulations Mr. Rodney.
Kindergarten Round-Up will take place on Friday, May 10, 2024. Please choose a session that works best for you to join us.
Venetucci is a Box Tops for Education School.
Scan the QR code on the flyer and starting earning money for Venetucci today.
Tour projects presented by our Gifted and Talented students.
Venetucci Choir performs at 5:30 p.m.
STEM Activities include:
- Coding Name Baracelets
- Paper Airplanes
- Seed Germinators
- Engineering Activities
- Estimation Station
Records Requests
Please email requests to:
School Day Schedule
8:25 - Start of Breakfast and Classroom Entry
8:40 - School Starts
8:45 - Tardy Bell
3:20 - Classes Dismissed
Venetucci Mustangs
Venetucci Elementary is a proud AVID focus school that sets high expectations, utilizes strategies to support social emotional learning, and collaborates with families to give students what they need to grow.
Students will learn about organization, study skills, communication, and self-advocacy. AVID elementary students take structured notes and answer and ask high-level questions that go beyond routine answers.
We offer coding and robotics clubs in which students team up to study and work robotics projects and then compete at the school and state level.