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About Us

Venetucci Elementary School Banner

Coming Together-Working Together-
Growing Together-Succeeding Together


AVID Focus

Advancement Via Individual Determination: Simply put, it's a program designed to help students develop academic habits they will need to be successful in middle school, high school, college, and in their career.

Students will learn about organization, study skills, communication, and self-advocacy. AVID Elementary students take structured notes and answer and ask high-level questions that go beyond routine answers.

AVID Note Taking


Linda Donelson, Principal at Venetucci Elementary

Linda Donelson

Niki Agrusa, Assistant Principal at Venetucci Elementary

Assistant Principal
Niki Agrusa


Our Mission

1) Educating the Whole-Child
  • We implement AVID best-practices.
  • ·We utilize strategies that support Social Emotional Learning (SEL) through PBIS, Zones of Regulation, and Restorative Practices.
2) Collective Efficacy
  • We set high expectations and believe in each other and our students.
3) Providing Data-Driven Instruction
  • We use data as a roadmap to determine students’ current performance and what instruction they need next in order to grow.  
  • We utilize formative checks to monitor student understanding and adjust instruction.  
4) Collaboration-TEAM approach
  • We collaborate to plan for instruction, sharing successes and missteps.
  • We believe in working with parents and each other as a TEAM.
5) Student/Staff Growth
  • We maintain an environment where making mistakes and asking questions is valued as part of the learning process.
  • We model and promote Growth Mindset.



  • Student Hours: 8:40am - 3:20pm
  • Office Hours: 7:30am - 4:00pm 


405 Willis Drive
Colorado Springs, CO 80911

  • Phone: 719.391.3355
  • Attendance: 719.391.3356
  • Fax: 719.391.7706
