Renaissance Committe
- Mrs. Gregory
- Mrs. Hooghiem
- Mrs. Pope
Contact: (719) 391-3355
Renaissance University is a program that celebrates and rewards students for demonstrating excellence in academic and behavior accomplishments. Attached you will find the specific Renaissance requirements for each grade-level.
We are very excited to be able to recognize students for reading and support you in your efforts to encourage your children to read at home! Our Renaissance will continue to support the importance of reading and the partnership between home and school using Accelerated Reader (AR) in grades 1-5. Kindergarteners will continue to submit monthly home reading logs with the minimum minute/practice requirement of 300 minutes. Grades 1-2 requirements include the minimum amount of points students should earn over the course of the quarter to meet the AR goal for their grade-level. In grades 3-5, students will need to meet individualized AR point goals each quarter. Students meeting these goals will be recognized quarterly. In addition to reading AR books at school during independent reading time, your child should be reading at home in order to support them in meeting these requirements. Students will have the opportunity to test on AR books they have read within their classrooms.
We will continue to hold quarterly Renaissance Celebrations to recognize students demonstrating excellence in academics and behavior.